
Films shape our imaginations and beliefs in powerful ways. Movie Night Chats help families drive faith discussions and sharpen critical thinking skills. Each post describes a film you can rent and provides a few starter questions. (Caution: Since some titles include offensive content pre-screen before watching together.) My PODCAST includes editions on the value and process of movie night chats.


This 2006 independent film won the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto International Film Festival and several other awards.  Jose is a man with a heartbreaking secret in his past.  Nina is a woman with no hope for her future.  They become friends and help one another discover the healing power of family relationships and sacrificial love.  


1.      Throughout the film Nina seems a distant personality with a hard edge, as if trying to protect herself from close relationship with others.  Yet she quickly warms to Jose and his family.  Why does spending time with a loving family help us overcome isolation and pain?  (See “a” below)      

2.      Throughout the story we wonder what happened to cause Jose to abandon his soccer career and live with such a heavy burden of regret.  He seems to punish himself until he can find a way to make things right.  In what ways do you think his attempts to help Nina are part of his healing?    (See “b” below)  

3.      The opening statement of the movie is “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.”  How does this statement play out in the story told?   (See “c” below)

4.      Did you find it surprising that Jose rather than Nina raised her child?  What might be the significance of this unexpected ending?   (See “d” below)

Think About It

a)       The scriptures describe a loving home as a mysterious picture of God Himself.  (See Ephesians 5:31-32)  Even those who have a troubled home are drawn to the mysterious reflection of God’s love found in other nurturing families.

b)      While it is impossible to make full restitution for all of our sins and failures (See Ephesians 2:8-9) we are called to become agents of God’s grace in the lives of others which in turn brings meaning and healing in our own lives.  (See Matthew 5:16, Ephesians 2:10, Titus 3:8-14, Hebrews 10:24 )

c)      This story reflects how God can use even our most painful experiences to accomplish something good.  (See Romans 2:28-29)

d)     As Jose sits on the beach he looks a bit like our image of Jesus.  This is fitting since he plays the part of Christ-like sacrifice by loving Nina, rescuing the child, and giving up his own plans in order to “lay his life down” for another.  (See John 15:13, I John 3:16)

Copyright 2010 Inkling Innovations

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