
Films shape our imaginations and beliefs in powerful ways. Movie Night Chats help families drive faith discussions and sharpen critical thinking skills. Each post describes a film you can rent and provides a few starter questions. (Caution: Since some titles include offensive content pre-screen before watching together.) My PODCAST includes editions on the value and process of movie night chats.

Marriage Date Movie

Use this chat guide for a date-night with your spouse.  Select a favorite romantic film to buy or rent.  (For best results, let her choose!)  Get the kids to bed and then slip into something "comfortable" before watching the movie in the privacy of your bedroom.  Then take turns answering the following questions.  Before going to sleep give one another a very long kiss goodnight!

  • BOY MEETS GIRL:  Every great romantic story has a "boy meets girl" moment when two individuals find themselves drawn to the other.  What was that moment for the guy in the story?  For the girl?  For you?
  • OBSTACLES:  Name several obstacles keeping the couple apart.  Was the biggest obstacle external (i.e. another person) or internal (i.e. clashing personalities, fear)?  What obstacles(s) did the two of you overcome to meet and marry?
  • MYSTERY:  The Apostle Paul called spousal intimacy "a great mystery" because when "two become one" they create a picture of Christ's marriage to the church.  (See Ephesians 5:33)  Did any actions/choices by the guy in the story model selfless love?  How about the actions/choices of the girl?  What actions/choices has your spouse made that make you feel loved?
  • INTIMACY:  The most exciting moments of intimacy occur when both individuals seek to please the other rather than themselves.  Did selfless giving or selfish taking characterize the couple in the film?  Describe one way you would like to better meet your mate's needs in daily life and during physical intimacy.
Copyright 2010, Inkling Innovations

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