
Films shape our imaginations and beliefs in powerful ways. Movie Night Chats help families drive faith discussions and sharpen critical thinking skills. Each post describes a film you can rent and provides a few starter questions. (Caution: Since some titles include offensive content pre-screen before watching together.) My PODCAST includes editions on the value and process of movie night chats.

A Christmas Carol

The 2009 Disney 3D animated version of A Christmas Carol is a bit scary for small children, but a wonderful experience for the rest of the family. There is more message in this story than we often realize. It is not just about a guy who didn’t like Christmas. It is a tale of repentance and redemption. Ebenezer Scrooge is a powerful symbol of the choice each of us must make in life - either to follow our selfish, sinful nature or submit to God and reflect His image in our attitudes and actions. (If you wish to use a radio drama rather than film version of this story, the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre adaptation of this story is excellent!) 

  • QUESTION: Was Scrooge made in the image of God? ANSWER: Yes, but he certainly didn’t live like it!
  • QUESTION: In what ways did Scrooge show he had a sinful heart? ANSWER: He was selfish, stingy, mean, etc. - all of which show the dark side of people.
  • QUESTION: After he realized he was wrong, what did Scrooge do? ANSWER: He turned away from the wrong toward the right. He repented – which means to turn around.
  • QUESTION: During his dream Scrooge felt badly about the consequences of his past actions and regretted his self-centered lifestyle. Is that the same thing as repentance? ANSWER: No. Feeling badly is not the same thing as turning around and heading in the right direction.
  • QUESTION: How does the story of Scrooge echo the good news of the gospel? ANSWER: We all make sinful choices that hurt ourselves and others. But God gives us the grace to repent and turn around, allowing us to experience God’s fellowship and joy rather than the dark isolation of selfish living.
More on Scrooge: Download the ARTICLE titled A Candle Lit by Kurt Bruner for further reflection. You can also find an episode of his podcast discussing the story HERE.

© 2009 Inkling Innovations

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