In this disturbing yet profound story a group of well-educated, well-behaved boys from an elite school find themselves stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash. With no adults to take charge, the boys must establish a system of order so that they can work together toward survival. As the story unfolds, they become ill-disciplined and violent. Ralph, the kind and natural leader, is rejected and attacked. The chubby outsider (Piggy) fears for and eventually loses his life. This group of well-behaved children turns into a pack of savages by subverting order, embracing cruelty and killing the weak. If not for the timely intervention of a rescue team, they would have continued toward eventual self-destruction. The message at the core is one of evil in our world - and more troubling - in our hearts. Please note that the 1990 version is rated "R" for intensity and language. The 1963 is closer to the original novel if you can track down a copy.
- Were the boys good or bad at the beginning of the story? (See "A" below)
- Why did some of the boys become so cruel/evil later in the story? (Bee "B" below)
- Did the evil come from outside or inside the boys? (See "C" below)
- In what ways does this story illustrate James 1:14-15? (See "D" below)
- A) They had the potential for either, but seemed well behaved.
- B) Because there were no adults to keep them from doing bad things.
- C) They influenced one another, but the basic bent toward evil was within each of them..
- D) We are fallen human beings. Despite great potential and capacity for good, each of us finds himself/herself prone toward sin and destruction.
The young boys ended up absolutely stimulated to read through them and now have unquestionably been having fun with these things.